While I have often
considered myself a fairly progressive teacher, I will admit this semester's
focus on becoming a connected educator is leaving me feeling old and
overwhelmed. As a parent, wife, friend, and teacher, I increasingly find
myself feeling stretched too thin on all accounts, and the thought of reaching
out and connecting more makes me wonder where the time and energy will come and
what will have to be sacrificed (and for what gain?). I don't mean to be
a naysayer on the use of social media and networking because I regularly search
and find information I need in the moment, so I am well aware of the wealth of
knowledge available. I think my search will be, as always, to try to find
balance in the insanity.
In embracing the
transparency of blogging, I want to share a couple of my deep fears and
concerns about becoming "connected". First, I (hard to believe,
I know) tend to be a bit more private than those a generation younger than I.
I don't seek nor care about "likes" or followers or contacts.
I have no interest in living my life publically online, and I was raised
in a generation of modesty where posting a "look what I am doing"
feels very uncomfortable. I also have a hard time believing that anyone outside my department really cares what I am doing in my room. Secondly, I believe in disconnecting, heresy as
it is. I worry that all these twitter chats, social networks, and
extensions will bleed over and into the precious time I carve out to spend with
my family. As an educator who already brings her work home every night,
finding this time has been a career-long struggle and I am not going to give it
up readily. Lastly, it's all pretty overwhelming. Many years ago I regularly
visited an English Ning, and I even collaborated with a teacher in Ohio, but, it became information overload, and I couldn't see a path through it all. Twitter still feels like an
ADHD conversation where I still have to link out to seven different places just
to find the full story (versus a 144 character "sound byte"), and sorting through other feeds and blogs just to find
a few nuggets makes me question the time spent for the gain.
But, despite the
concerns, reservations, and the hives I am developing in anxiety, I will go
forward with an open mind. I ask my students to work outside of their comfort zone every
day, and I must do the same. I ask them to take risks because I can see
the end goal that they cannot, so I put my trust in Jen Hegna (@jenhegna) to lead me to a
new understanding and appreciation. I go on because I cannot dismiss
something I have not given a fair chance simply because I am uncomfortable. I believe in transforming education, in creating a better learning experience, and if this is a path to that end, I must go down it. In the end, I will work to find a balance, to leverage a tool in a way that
is meaningful and manageable for me. Because, truly, isn't that the whole
belief of education-to empower people to create meaning as they see fit.
I am admitting that I chuckled about the part about being "raised in a generation of modesty," since you and I are pretty much from the same generation, and I've taken a somewhat different path when it comes to Social Media, both for personal and professional reasons. I'll be curious to see what you think at the end of the semester, because I'll be the first to admit that I am probably on Twitter and Facebook more than I should be at times. I have gotten better and found more balance (although one of my favorite quote is by Alain de Botton "There is no such thing as work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life."), between "real" life and virtual life, but there are still times I get sucked in and that may or may not be a good thing. I look forward to your transparency and hearing your opinions. I commend you for being willing to at least try, hives and all. :)